Now more than ever conservation becomes important especially as climate change and global warming increasingly become a reality. Enduimet Wildlife Management Area (WMA) represents change and a quality of life that supports wildlife. At Enduimet we focus our efforts in coming up with solutions to anti-poaching and human-wildlife conflict. Funds from tourism help to support our protection team of 45+ Rangers who patrol and protect wildlife. In addition, they help to protect people and crops from wildlife.
The communities in Enduimet have invested land in conservation, as a result, they need to benefit from this investment. Funds from tourism help Enduimet WMA support new projects within the communities such as the building of schools and clinics. In addition, these funds sponsor 150 students’ education from low-income households.
At Enduimet Wildlife Management Area (WMA) grass is really important to the community. Live stock and some of the most diverse wild species you will ever see in Tanzania depend on the grass such as: gerenuks, elephants, buffalo, giraffe, leopard, wildebeest, and lesser kudu. We strive to protect the land because conflict over land threatens not only the environment but nature itself.